Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Swimming lessons

We started swimming lessons with Mr C yesterday and I was very surprised at how well he did. I wasn't able to be in the pool or even near the pool, except for looking through a window to watch, and he warmed right up to his instructor. She even had him blowing bubbles in the water and putting his face in the water to play a game of limbo under a noodle.

I'm so excited for him to be able to start swimming on his own and to help lessen his fear of the water. I tried giving him lessons myself and he ends up holding onto me with a death grip. This can make going into the pool with him less than comfortable. I think that his therapy has really been helping him to be more accepting of situations that in the past he was really freaked out about.

His fine motor skills have improved immensely with him being able to write the letters in his name with so much more clarity and he has also been talking so much more. He is even singing all the words to really difficult songs, such as I've been working on the railroad. Although, he says "Someone's in the Chicken with Dina, someone's in the chicken I knoooow. Someone's in the chicken with Dina, strummin on the old Jo!" I love it!

We went to a family event the other night and a cousin said, "He is so cute!" He responded with, "I not! I'm Carter!" So funny!

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