Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mr C is going to be a big brother!

Well, things have been very hectic lately, but I am excited to announce that Mr C is going to be a big brother. We went for the ultrasound last week and decided to take Mr C with us. This turned out somewhat similar to the experience at the eye doctor.

At first he began to get extremely upset and scream irrationally while jumping up and down. After my husband took him to the lobby for a short period of time we were able to gently coax him into the room long enough to see the baby on the screen. However, when asked by the tech if he wanted to hear the baby's heart beat he immediately replied "No!"

Since seeing the baby he has been especially interested in my belly and making lots of effort to hug, kiss and talk to the baby. The other night, when asked what he wanted to thank God for that day, during prayer time, he said "For the baby." So sweet!

Things have been going pretty well with him otherwise lately. His language has really improved substantially and we have about three more weeks left of the therapuetic listening to finish. Our next step begins this Thursday at an appointment with a holistic nurse practicioner. We are going to get Mr C tested for any possible heavy metals within his system, yeast overgrowth, and additional allergy sensitivities.

As the result of a book that was recommended by a holistic doctor friend in Michigan titled, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Allergies, and Asthma, I have become very interested in these aspects as to how they relate to behavior and these 4-A disorders which I believe also includes sensory processing disorder. Very very interesting, check it out!!

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