Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Therapeutic Listening

Well, we have continued doing the brushing about 3-4 times a day and have noticed that he starts to have a hard time sleeping at night if we do any less than that. He also still can't seem to sit still unless we have done the brushing protocol with him. So, we will continue for now.

It was pretty funny the other day when my husband went to do his brushing. He had just given Mr C a bath and decided to brush him before getting him into his pajamas. Sometimes to help with cooperation, although he usually loves it, we will sing a song while brushing him. "This is the way we brush your arm, brush your arm, brush your arm. This is the way we brush your arm so early in the evening." We change it for each body part and he will usually sing a long.

Well, this particular time, when my husband was all done brushing him, Mr C picked up the brush and began to sing..."This is the way I brush my pee pee, brush my pee pee, brush my pee pee, so early in the evening." While brushing, well you know where. We were just about rolling on the floor with laughter, but out of decency had to remove the brush from his possession.

I actually thought it was good that he was able to make up his own little part of the song himself. Most if his language is imitiation of phrases he has heard. He will speak spontaneously, but it will usually be sentences he has already heard before.

The occupational therapist we are working with has said that she thinks that therapeutic listening will be very helpful to him with his language. So, that is our next step. We are planning to meet with her in about a week to learn how to do the program. I have also read research that shows therapeutic listening helps with attention, behavior, and other related challenges, so we are excited to get started.

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